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Antiparasitic, eases digestive issues such as constipation, colic, stomach virus, motion sickness preventative. According to the Animal Essential Oil Desk Reference it is suitable for dogs. We have used Digestion Rescue in conjunction with  ACV, blended raw carrots & raw pumpkin seeds to rid our dog of tapeworms. It was the quickest, most effective protocol we used hands down. 


Ingredients: Ginger, Peppermint, Juniperberry, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise & Patchouli essential oils.

Roll On and Spray bottle ingredients: Ginger, Peppermint, Juniperberry, Fennel, Lemongrass, Anise & Patchouli essential oils in a base of fractionated coconut oil. EOs are diluted to 3%.


Topical use: Wonderful applied to the abdomen. Use up to one hour before traveling for motion sickness and during travel. For motion sickness, it can be applied diluted behind the ears, around the naval, on the abdomen or vitaflex points. Use diluted. See dilution chart. 

Diffusing/Inhalation: Suitable for both.


Internal use: Recommend using internally only within safe parameters and under guidance of an aromatherpist or natural MD with respect to how concentrated essential oils are. 

Dilute appropriately.

Digestion Rescue

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