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Fall Diffuser Blends

Investing in a diffuser is investing into the health of your family. We use ours to boost our immune systems, uplift moods or relax after busy days. In particular, we have overcome some intense respiratory infection threats over the last TEN years of owning ours. (Yes, our diffuser is still running strong after more than ten years of use.) It has been our natural breathing treatment option on more than one occasion.

This diffuser is a favorite because of it's ability to regulate the flow of the essential oil being dispersed and to be able to set a timer to automatically turn it off/on.

Set a mood...COzy Up With these fall specials!

Snuggle with Me (Orange, lavender & patchouli)

Pumpkin Spice (Orange, cinnamon, clove & nutmeg)

Wooded Walk (cedarwood, rosemary, pine, lavender & lemon)

Here are some of our other favorites:

Wake up & encourage focus!

Citrus Lift




Boost immunity!

Plague Rescue

Unwind and end your day well!

Peace and Tranquility

Let Go...Let God


Order diffusers sent directly to you at:

*Affiliate link

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