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Are you hesitant to receive grace?

King David didn't start out as a king. He started out as a shepherd boy doing what could be seen as the mundane daily grind taking care of helpless not so bright animals. But he developed a relationship with His Heavenly Father that gave him a foundation that later dubbed him "a man after a God's own heart."

While running for his very life in response to Saul's anger (unrighteous anger is murderous hatred) and jealousy, I believe he was sifted further to trust God in new ways. New ways that equipped to him to walk in his calling... the calling God promised him that must have looked impossible some days from the view of a dusty, scary life on the run.

David was real with the hurt of betrayal and rejection but he didn't let it consume him. He maintained a love and honor for Saul until the end. #forgiveness

David was humbled. He had been living in a palace as a prince and now he was a fugitive living in a cave. The emotional pain of running for his life from the one who was an authority figure of protection to him was surely heart breaking. #humility

David didn't take the opportunity to avenge himself. How easy it would have been to kill Saul twice. He had the grounds to do so. He had encouragement from those around him. He refused to put his hand against Saul YET did not blindly trust him. Saul was no longer trustworthy. He maintained his space from the unrepentant king. He waited for God to unfold His promises in His timing. #steadfast

David made mistakes along the way. He relied on his own strength occasionally, felt fear and despair many times. And yet his heart was always to turn back to God. Proof that we dont have to be perfect but rather have to have a humble heart. God gives grace to the humble.... and you will press into the lesson of humility or be further humbled against your will. Check out the oodles of scriptures on pride! #grace

What strikes me most right now is that David seemed to understand this grace. How often do I truly repent, confess, grow YET hesitate to hold onto His Word and ask Him to still fulfill it? I hear in the back of my mind sometimes "So you're forgiven but do you really have a right to ask that? You've messed up so.much." I kind of feel like the prodigal going home after doing my own thing and regulating myself to servant. But God calls us SONS and DAUGHTERS and as such we have access to Him and all He offers. He blesses us because He delights in us. His blessings are never based on performance.

Pressing into His presence lately has been with this focus for me. Showing up just as I am, loved just as I am and never, ever rejected for my imperfections, betrayed in my vulnerabilities. Love changes everything and I want more of THAT. His love.

It is a new day. It s never, ever too late to discover the overwhelming, never ending reckless love God has for you.

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