I'm entering a new season and I'm grateful for a new space to live... to really breathe. It's been 6 years of hoping, praying, letting go... there are still layers being peeled back but I'm stronger and growing stronger every day even in the midst of hard. The battle has shifted and intimately carrying some things is no longer my daily grind every moment of every day...up close and in my personal space... except for what I have carried and what I have to release. This isn't what I prayed for, not at all the expectation I had for the Father to allow. But I'm here.
In this there are new memories, new recipes, new plans. But I made a pause to also take time to return to what's foundational in our diets...a huge fermenting day with my gargantuan bowls. ❤ It felt really awesome to be in the kitchen with my girls, shredding, slicing and salting. A little bit of old, a lot of new...a correlation... foundations being shaken of dross and made firmer. Holding onto the core but being willing to shed everything else.
Don't discount the foundational when the shift in your life occurs but be ready to walk in uncomfortable in order to shed what is excess baggage in your personal beliefs, long held habits. You will be challenged to figure out what is opinion and what is truth. If you allow Him, God will define what truth you have known thru His eyes as you ditch your faltered filter. Accept the challenge to walk boldly in obedience over comfort. I quote quite regularly in raw, real and weak moments, " I can do all things through Christ who strengths me. " You can too.